The hereby privacy policy has been developed following the requirement of the applicable Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation(UE) 2016/679 from the European Parliament and the April 27th, 2016, council related to the natural person protection concerning the personal data treatment and this data flow (GDPR).
This privacy policy has the purpose of informing the personal data holder, about who the information is collected, about the specific aspect of the data treatment, especially, the purpose of the process, the contact data in order to exercise his right, the conservation period of the information and security measures, for instance.
Processing responsible
Concerning the data protection, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. must be considered Responsible of the Process, in relation with the files/process identified by this policy, concretely in the data treatment paragraph.
This website titular identification data is the following:
- Process responsible: FORJAS VECINA S.C.L.
- Adress:Avenida Cámara de la Industria, 13, 28938, Móstoles, (Madrid).
Data Process
The requested personal data, for example, will only consist ofthe strictly essential in order to identify and receive the request done by the data titular, lately the applicant.
This information will be legally processed, lawful and transparent, in relation with the applicant. By the way, the personal data will be received for specific purpose, explicit and legitimate, without being processed lately on an incompatible way with his targets.
The received data of each applicant will be right, pertinent and moderated in relation with the corresponding goals of each case and will be updated as soon as it will be necessary.
The data holder will be informed, before the data reception, about the general subject regulated in this policy so that he can give the express consent, precise and without doubt for the data process, consistent with the following aspects:
Process purpose
The explicit purposes for which any processes are done, are registered in the informative clauses incorporated into each data collection way (web form, paper form, phrases or boards and information notes).
However, the applicant personal data will be processed exclusively to give an efficient answer and receive the user requests, specified near the option, service, form or data collect system used by the holder.
Generally, before the personal data process, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. gets the express and unequivocal consent from his holder, through the consentclauses incorporation detailed in the different ways of collecting information.
Nevertheless, in the case of not receiving the applicant consent, the process legitimate base on which FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. exercises his rights, is the existence of the law or specific rule authorizing or requiring the applicant data process.
Generally, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L.doesn’t proceed to the data cession or communication to third, except legal request, however, if necessary, those data cessions or communications will be passed on the applicant through consent clauses enclosed in each personal data collect ways.
Generally, the personal data are always collected directly from the applicant, even if, sometimes, the data can be collected from third, entities or services, other than the applicant. In accordance with this, this subject will be communicated to the applicant through the consent clauses included in the different collect ways with a reasonable period, once the data obtained and at least in one month.
Preservation time
The applicant collected information will be preserved as long as it will be necessary in order to get the personal data collect purpose, in that way, once obtained, the data will be cancelled.
This cancellation will block the data, kept and only available for the AAPP, Courts and Judges, in order to attend to the possible responsibilities due to the treatment, during the prescription time of them, once this period ended the information will be deleted.
For your information, the legal preservation period of the information depending on the different fields are the following:
Period : 4 years
REF. Legal: Article 21 del Real DecretoLegislativo 5/2000, August 4th, on which the refunded textof the“Ley sobre Infracciones y Sanciones en el Orden Social” is adopted.
Period: 6 years
REF. Legal: Art. 30 Código Comercio
Accounting and taxes documents withtaxes effects
Period: 4 years
REF. Legal: Artículos 66 a 70 Ley General Tributaria
Period: 1 month.
REF. Legal: Instrucción 1/1996 de la AEPD
Period: 1 month.
REF. Legal: Instrucción 1/2006 de la AEPD
Ley Orgánica 4/1997
Browsing Data
Concerning the browsing data processed through the website, in case of data collection subjected to the norm, we recommend checking the Cookies Policy published in our website.
Applicants rights
The data protection norm gives several rights to the applicants, data owners, website users or Forjas Vecina S.C.L. social network users.
These rights assisting the applicant person are the following:
- Access right: right to get information about if your own data have been processed, the target of the realized process, the data categories processed, the recipient or category of recipient, the retention period and the origin if these data.
- Correction right: right to get the correction of the wrong or incomplete personal data.
- Deletion right: right to get the deletion of the data in the following cases:
- When the data are not anymore necessary for the target of their collection.
- When his holder retired his consent.
- When the applicant is opposed to the process.
- When they should be deleted by a legal obligation execution.
- When the data are collected by the service of an information company based on the art. 8, aside1 of the General Data European Regulation projection.
- Opposition right: right to be opposed to a defined process based on the applicant consent.
- Limitation right: right to get the data process limitation in one of these cases:
- When the applicant contests the exactness of the personal data, during the time allowing the company to check the exactness of those data.
- When the process is illicit, and the applicant contest the data deletion.
- When the company doesn’t need any more the data for the purpose of their collection, but the applicant needs them for the formulation, execution or the defense of claims.
- When the applicant has been opposed to the process during the control if the company legitimate motives prevailed over the applicant motives.
- Transferability right: right to get the data with a structured format, a common used and a mechanical reading, and to transfer to another process responsible when:
The process is based on the consent.
The process is done by automatic ways. - Right to submit a claim to the competent authority of control.
The applicants can exercise the mentioned rights, sending a mail to FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. to the following email address informing on the reference line about the right you want to exercise.
In that way, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. will attend your request as soon as possible taking in account the times predicted by the data protection norm.
The security measures adopted by FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. are the ones requested by the article 32 of the GDPR. In that way, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L., taking in account the technical state, the application cost and the nature, the impact, the context and the targets of the process, just like the probability and gravity risks variable for the rights and freedoms of the physical persons, established the technical and organizational measures appropriated to guarantee the security level suitable for the existent risk.
Anyway, FORJAS VECINA S.C.L. established the necessary mechanism for:
- Guarantee the permanent privacy, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems and process services.
- Restore the availability and the personal data access quickly, in physical or technical incident case.
- Check, assess and estimate, regularly, the technical and organizational tools efficiency, established in order to guarantee the security of the process.
- Give a pseudonym and estimate the personal data if it’s the case.

Avda. de la Cámara de Industria 13.
Polígono nº 1
Móstoles, 28938, Madrid
contact us
91 648 00 77
91 647 49 77